Customs Regulations of the city of São Paulo de Luanda.
The Official Dispatcher already has a relatively remote past in Angola, where, by Royal Charter of February 16, 1784, a «Regular Customs Office in Luanda» was created. of São Paulo de Loanda, from the audit of the then governor Miguel António de Melo. This regulation, which is dated October 21, 1799, also informs, albeit indirectly, the exercise of the functions of the aforementioned customs agents in their relations with the then existing customs officers.
The profession, however, would only be made official and its exercise regulated by Decree no. 7 of December 7, 1864, which defined for the first time the basis of the regime to which the Dispatchers class would be subordinated.
Decree nº 31/105 of January 15, 1941 approves the Organic Statute of Colonial Customs. In this, Chapter XI of Title II is entirely dedicated to Dispatchers.
Termination of the Chamber of Official Dispatchers of Angola.
On April 13, 1979, by Decree nº. 46 / 79, the Chamber of Official Dispatchers of Angola, created by Ordinance nº. 6,802, of August 10, 1949.
In 1991, a process of reorganization of the class began, with the appointment of new Dispatchers and the subsequent creation of the Commission representing Official Dispatchers.
Approved the current Statutes of the Chamber of Official Dispatchers of Angola.
Considering it is necessary to provide the Official Dispatchers of Angola with an interlocutor body and methodological guidance for their respective activity, as well as the defense of their interests on April 7, 1997, by Decree nº. 27/97, the current Statutes of the Chamber of Official Dispatchers of Angola are approved.
Entrance to Angolan Customs.
However, with the entry of Angolan Customs into a modernization system in 2002, several diplomas have been approved, including decree law no. 05/06 of the Customs Code, which in its § 2 of art. 36 liberalizes the profession of Official Broker, which is exercised in all customs posts, under a liberal profession and free competition regime, with no limitations regarding the maximum or minimum number of Brokers, and Brokers licensed by the National Customs Directorate may exercise the its activity throughout the national territory. Since then, the number of Dispatchers has increased from 60, in 2002, to 172 across the country, in 2007.