Safe international exchange of goods.
We are the organization officially recognized as the legal representative of Official Dispatchers in Angola
Ensure professionalism, rigor and transparency in import and export processes.
As the Chamber of Official Dispatchers of Angola is a legal person governed by public law and an officially recognized body, as the legal representative of all Official Dispatchers, It is responsible for representing them in all acts related to their activity:.
See MoreThe Official Dispatcher already has a relatively remote past in Angola, where, by Royal Charter of February 16, 1784, a «Regular Customs Office in Luanda» was created. of São Paulo de Loanda, from the audit of the then governor Miguel António de Melo. This regulation, which is dated October 21, 1799, also informs, albeit indirectly, the exercise of the functions of the aforementioned customs agents in their relations with the then existing customs officers..
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